Keeping personal website
I've tried to start a blog few times in the past, but it never really stick, so this time around I'm trying to do something else. I'll focus on making it fun for me :)
Based on proper web server, not static site
This gives me flexibility to implement features that require backend code and it's fun to tinker with. My previous attempts with static site generators sooner or later bored me.
Current version is based on AdonisJS framework. The code will be avaialiable on my github sooner or later.
No paging, sitemap and tags pages
Those are not fun and it will take me a long time to exceed the "display all content at once" size, so I'll revisit this when it happen.
It's my place and my place only
Ive decided that I'm going to do with my webpage whatever I like. This means no self-censoring and overthinking whether someting is worth posting about - if I find something interesting and I want to share it - on the page it goes.
Written, not prompted
I've always wanted to get into writing for multiple reasons. Of course when I finally decided to do it, the LLM exploded and changed the writing space for good.
I've decided to avoid using LLMs while writing here. I might use them as a grammar checker, but any kind of content generator does not sit well with me - even simple revisions make it so that the result does not sound like me. I want to see myself in my writing and at the same time get better at it.